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How’d You Find P*rn? My Teen CD Heist Story at 15
So I was 15 back then , I had seen hints of women nude in my uncle's phone but never saw corn in full blown action. One day I was searching for something in my parent's closet which they used to keep lock and in very back side of it I found -- a black plastic bag. I opened it to peek and I saw like thick stack of nude women pictures on CDs. I the kept it like that and left. One day when no one was at home , I gathered courage and took out keys ( I knew where they were) and inserted some CDs in laptop and my GOD , my brain was fucked , it was first time seeing something like this.. I saved some CDs in my laptop for future reference , as it was a common laptop I saved deep inside system32 etc. I used to watch videos alone and kept on updating them through CDs. One random day I saw all my videos deleted .. I still don't know who did it.. my mom or my brother but then the CD heist stopped Spill your stories? how did you discover this madness?1
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