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Casteism I felt in delhi coming from kolkata .
Well I was born in west bengal lived my school life there , not a single individual ever asked me about my caste once , and no friends know each others caste here untill someone is brahmin as they were that white rope around their body . I am studying in a prestigious college here doing btech , made some local friends also went to some guys house in haryana and the thing that kind of bothered me about the locals is people asking me about the caste, . Lets say i tell them I am from obc catagory they will then ask me which type of obc . Dog idk man which type of obc I am no one knows what they are in bengal , we only use this for as a reservation thing nothing more . They were also asking one of my friends who is SC , if he is dalit or sudra or chamar . Why this medievel thing is still being in practice ? I see people openly flaunting their caste as something of achievement . " rajpUUt powwwerr" ," JaAt attitude status" .3
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