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A very genuine and curious question to men, why?
The recent increase of incel and misogynistic content on social media is alarming and scary, but what's scarier is that this is not just something you see online, but also something that is increasing at a rapid rate in real life. This past week I faced two incidents that have left me scarred for life. I'm a college student and reside in South Delhi (which is considered to be a 'posh area') I rarely step out of my apartment and I only go out to attend college, and what happened this week, I think I will not be stepping out for anything else any time soon. The first incident happened in Hauz Khas Market, near where I have been living for the past 2 years. I was walking back to my apartment after grocery shopping, and a guy (who looked like your typical South Delhi guy, mid to late 20s, seemingly came from an upper middle class family) he passed a comment at me - 'Hey, nice dress.' Mind you, I was wearing a ankle length, full sleeved, and flowy dress, not at all revealing, and it was only 5:30 pm so not even that dark. I ignored his comment and kept walking, he shouted from behind me "THANK YOU TOH BOL DE YAAR" I increased my pace and he started to FOLLOW me, I got so scared I just randomly entered a shop and tried to lose him and I thankfully was able to. The second incident happened when my friend invited me out somewhere, this was near the Parliament street, a guy approached me, introduced himself as a student from SRCC, and said that he had a question for me. What he said next disgusted me - 'Can I suck your vagina?' Again, I just ran, and he had the audacity to scream at me, 'I deserve a reply at least!" And this happened in the morning. As a woman, this is just scary. Seemingly well educated men doing things like that, why? What makes them think it is okay to say such things? I've heard from guys around me that how difficult it is to approach a girl because you get labelled as a 'creep', I mean, how are we to differentiate who is a creep and who is not? Most of the men do not take rejection well either, they get so offended that a random woman on the street is not interested or trusting of a stranger. Why? This is such a sorry state of affair for women in this country. We are not safe no matter what we do, what time we go out, what we wear, nothing.1
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