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A 5 year old has been sexually assaulted in KR Mangalam GK 1 by a Kenyan national student and no one is talking about it
Trigger warning - mention of sexual assault. Yet another news of sexual assault, this time of a 5 year old minor, in her school bus of a posh south Delhi school and the perpetrator has not been withheld or even questioned. This happened in August, and the culprit who happens to be son of the counsellor in Embassy of Kenya, has molested atleast 6 children that we know so far including 2 boys. The school, K R Mangalam Gk 1, has had multiple complaints about him, all been buried without any action last 6 months. They have not only not taken any precautions but let him be as free as any other student to continue molesting other children because he's a foreign national and his ‘foreign immunity’. 3 months the police is yet not even interrogated him. When the parents protested, the school principal said ‘I am having to suspend him with a heavy heart, he’s also someone’s son’. Not once did she mention the 5 year old who was assaulted by him or express any concern about her well being. You can check out the coverage on unfold_hq on IG (can’t post link since not allowed) The incident was published in multiple newspapers, and the perpetrator has still not been apprehended! Delhi, please take note of this and talk about this heinous crime that a school is trying to bury to save their reputation- instead of punishing the individual for their criminal actions.5
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