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Tamilnadu pickleball Premier League - Ridiculous
For those of you who are unaware, the sham of a league took place over the weekend and boy was it a torrid affair. 1. Grown ass men using cuss words like "suck my d\*ck" and "motherf\*cker" in front of school going kids who are their team mates. 2. One of the judges daughter was a player in the final winning team. Have you guys ever heard of "conflict of interest". 3. The winning team's "icon" player was literally vaping her way through the tournament, and with kids around. No one even bats an eye. 4. Even the players don't know what winning a toss means. 5. The team owners and players are all in some sort of kahoots. Friends and family. and to think MGM sponsored this. Where is the oversight man?! This is second season? What!!!!1
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