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sugarcane from farm rooted (stolen) & eaten by goons when train stopped briefly near our farm | south TN life
yes. you read it right. we have farm aside railway line in SriVilluputhur - Rajapalayam line. There are few sugarcane plantations in our region. all almost grown up & ready for sale for upcoming Pongal festival. This chennai egmore train stopped for sometime near our farm in evening. Guys all got down & chilling. few men uprooted the sugarcane, bringing to train & started eating. looking that, many men from different coaches went to all nearby farms & uprooted as much as they can & broken & taken home. That place has good platform-like height, so easy to climb down. I g even ladies would have tried. Most passengers were from our south TN region & few Kerala. We met all police & railway police to inform the same. Railway police was bit helpful but no CCTV camera in that region so can't help much. TN State police is simply a$$holes as you all know. Inspector openly told "no hope" and asked still willing to file complaint. since farmer org member was there, he just registered. he himself is helpless. not to blame him. poor dept. Here r/chennai folks may get shocked, hearing this is for 1st time. But yes, this is much common in our south TN. It's not stereotype, but fact!! We lost our agri water motor many times in fields & it's much common in our region. It's just Bihar & Bengal lite version. Just ask lorry drivers which they fence the lorry top when travelling via this region! even TN police dept has 70% ppl from our region... Bcz of these guys bad name for entire region. poverty is also reason. poor people fight over caste to prove street power. for 5s & 10s, even murder are common till my childhood. Thank god, I studied in CBE & working in CHN. Amazing people. Only these 2 belt (kongu & chennai), I have seen pakka built houses even in villages, here full of huts (incl my grandpa's). Happy Pongal all...2
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