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Male friend could have helped save the "victim" and probably both the predators could have got caught red-handed. From what I can understand from the news, media, the victim and her male friend where around this area. The building on the left of Anna Gem Science Park Mt. Hr. Sec. School is "Environmental studies" department. The incident might have occured around this building. When the predators made the male friend run, he could have just entered this CEG hostel road (below the senior vegetarian mess) and called for "help". This road has FOUR final year BOYS hostel, one veg mess (veg mess has lot of working ADULTS). I don't understand why this male friend (who is a final year mech guy, who also stays in one of the hostels on the same CEG hostel road) just didn't do anything. If there were 2 predators as said, both could have been caught if the male friend went back with the number of boys there (You know what, he could have summoned the entire 3rd year hostel boys of this college from the 5th block hostel). Or at least the girl could have been rescued even before the attempt. Though it is dinner time, I can assure he could have gathered at least 20 boys and almost everyone having a meal at the senior veg mess. Sick \*\*\*\* could have at least called his friends (you don't how these mech guys parade at every culturals, their symposiums to show their unity) to save her. Just ran away and stayed quiet. F\*cking \*\*\*\*. Probably cared about his REPUTATION. Imagine the plight the victim had when he didn't come back. Trust me guys, a FINAL YEAR MECH guy could just gather at least 20 students in an instant or at least he might know the guy that does it. Kudos to the victim for voicing out and making a complaint. Heard on some news channel that her father supported her to go ahead and make the complaint too, though the FIR got leaked with their residential address. I am not saying that guy should have fought back (I know real life is not cinema), at least he could have gathered some boys or watch-men or veg mess workers around the hostel block. Not sure if they would ever catch the second predator around there and we all will forget this event in a couple of weeks.5
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