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Fuck Chennai Motorists
This is a heated rant and I'm sure it won't be well received, but I need to do this anyway. I'm not a transplant. Not new to this city. In fact, I've seen this city change over decades from fairly decent and organized to just a complete chaotic dump. The city may have a lot of great things going for it as well as a ton of problems. But this rant is particularly about the road rage and utter lack of basic decency that motorists (cars, bikes, bus, and auto drivers) in this city display. In a short 15-mt walk to run errands, I nearly got killed not once but three times. 1) Auto asshole nearly hit me as I was crossing a street where he tried to turn left well after I was half way across the street. When I yelled at him to wait just a second for a pedestrian to get across, he threw expletives back at me. 2) Bus driver came charging down a narrow one way road like he was training for F1. A senior lady and I ran for our lives to cross the street and he missed us by a hair. 3) On a zebra crossing, I was half way across the street looking traffic on my left (one way street). This shitbag of a jerk on a scooter came from a perpendicular street, cut into the street heading in the wrong direction and ran an inch away from my feet nearly knocking me down on the frickin pedestrian crossing. There's no way I could have anticipated an idiot coming from the opposite side on a one way street when there was so much traffic charging down the road. What's wrong with Chennai? I know that no city has perfect, patient drivers but Chennai seems to suck way more than other metros. I visited 6 cities across the country in the last month. Nowhere did I see such arrogant assholes on the roads as I've seen here. And God do I hate the auto drivers in the city! Absolutely arrogant and reckless. I know I can't slam an entire community. There are some decent and genuinely polite auto drivers but a few good apples are only getting lost in a bushel of rotten ones. The counter argument to this rant can't be that Chennai drivers are better than drivers in a shittier city. What happened to basic respect for a human life on Chennai streets? Very very frustrated and frankly just counting my stars that I survived a simple walk this morning.... 😓4
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