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Exploring Chennai as a queer individual !!
I assume , you would look/stare atleast once if you saw a 6ft + guy wearing something feminine and makeup. I had visited Chennai last year , and for some reason I thought the people there would not look at me and laugh , so I took my chance and visited Chennai few days back and I was right about my decision. Yes !! I did get few stares but nothing to make me feel uncomfortable , the best part was that even small kids of age group 12-15 didn't react any differently seeing me. There was just one aunty who kept on laughing and asking her family also to see me , they weren't locals (language ) tho . I did think of visiting places wearing half saree ; but didn't go ahead because of personal reasons and I didn't know exact places I could visit . Would love some suggestions to visit places which are not too crowded . Thank you Chennai !!! It was a wonderful visit 🧿.1
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