Community Information
Cracked the Thar code
While taking my family for a small evening drive, I yet again witnessed the tyranny of Thar drivers - cutting across lanes, wrong side driving, incessant honking to push in a mm of space, blocking left lane, taking U turn from over a median etc. I am in Gurgaon so these things are more common and acceptable here. For me, the penny dropped when I just avoided collision with a Thar that had suddenly zoomed onto the other side of the road to be first in the line (though on the wrong side - there is an up and down side of the road - so the side of the road where this Thar should have been on - the up side, had a red traffic light and hence a 100m queue. This dude could not stand at the end of the queue and instead came to the head of the queue on the down side). Just as I was catching my breath, another vehicle followed on the down side - another Thar! There were a few hundred vehicles waiting patiently but these two could not wait. Instantly I got why they behave the way they do. Most of the people on this sub and in general buy a vehicle because it has a utility for them. It takes them from point A to point B with a lot of bells and whistles. We value different things - mileage, safety, features, ride quality. People who value refined driving and ride comfort go for sedans. Most people go for lifted hatches and crossovers (CSUVs in India) due to condition of our roads and a good overall package. Etc. etc. But people who buy Thar neither value mileage, nor ride quality, nor features, nor comfortable driving, nor any other utility - this car offers none. They have only one super narcissistic reason to buy Thar - it’s just an accessory for them like their expensive phone or watch or shoes or acres of land. They want to stand out. They want to scream “look at me”. This sort of person has a very fragile ego with a hyper inflated self image. This combination- along with the fact that only a rich person can afford this adult man toy of a vehicle - creating a deadly combination where the driver or the owner has a very high sense of entitlement with a very low tolerance or respect for rules. They think they are a rule unto themselves. And here, my brethren, lies the core of the problem. Fin.2
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