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Personally don’t like the re-release but if Padmaavat can get a re-release then I feel these 5 movies truly deserve it…
1. 8x10 Tasveer - I know some people would still argue that now every other bad movie has gotten underrated title but believe this one really deserves the Tag!! 2. No Smoking - Best of John that’s it and those who still thinks he can’t act should definitely watch it!! 3. Bhavesh Joshi - Ummm call me biased but this one is really special!! 4. FAN - Yepp the 2nd half really went downhill but only up till the point the movie was in London. I think people will love it more now!! 5. Talaash - That twist really took me away and the BGM (specifically the part where Aamir keeps staring at Kareena and she just smiles) chef’s kiss!! Which other movies do you think deserve a re-release??2
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