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Mrs Movie analysis - what angry men in the comment missed about the movie
Mrs Movie accurately captures the nuances of being a '**housewife**' in upper middle-class India. I have read a lot of comments calling out Mrs as a feminazi propaganda movie. I am livid. Household chores are a given when the other partner contributes 100% financially. Mrs is not against the *amount* of work that a housewife has to do. **IT IS NOT AGAINST HOUSEWIVES HAVING TO DO HOUSEWORK.** It is about the small insults, lack of appreciation, unrealistic expectations, lack of mutual consent, utter disregard for needs, lack of freedom to pursue one's dreams, casual sexism, misogyny and so much more. **It is not about having to use the silvatta** \- it is about having to use it every single meal when clearly, there is an easier, faster, and less painful method (mixie grinder) available. **It is not about having to cook a lot** \- it is about being appreciated and thanked for the effort put in. It is about gratitude. **It is not about having to do basic tasks for the husband.** It is about the learned incompetence - if a guy earns money, that somehow means he cannot take his own undies and clothes out after a bath? **It is not about helping the husband** \- it is about the degradation - the sasurji could have got the servant to take out his footwear, no? Instead of his wife. **It is not about Diwakar being bad in bed** \- it is about caring about foreplay and aftercare, caring whether your wife finished or not, caring for consent, caring for enjoyment and not calling her a "sex expert". **It is not about Diwakar yelling at Richa when she accuses him of things** \- it is about him getting offended when she tries to communicate what she finds wrong. The reply to "I also have desires" should have been "Okay, I will take your desires into account next time onwards" and **NOT** "Shakal dekhi hai apni? The reply to Richa's comment on her being a "free ki maid aur cook" should have been understanding WHY she said such a thing in the first place, not trampling all over her at the friend's house and then giving her the silent treatment and then forcing a sorry and sex out of her. **It is not about making good or bad shikanji** \- it is the entitlement of Diwakar's brother. Order a random woman for shikanji, start drinking whiskey and refuse it, drink it out of pity and then make SEVERAL comments about how bad it is. **It is not about Richa being asked to not work** \- it is about discarding her passion as a "hobby", sasurji asking a grown woman not to go for an interview and ignoring her as she stands in the corner waiting to be ALLOWED to go. **It is not about Diwakar wanting those videos removed** \- it is about him crushing her passion, her life's work, fuelling his insecurities about his wife "dancing" and the tone - he could have made her understand why her videos made him feel uncomfortable (which is still shitty but okay) instead of giving her an ultimatum - "If you want to live in this house, you have to follow its rules". **It is not about dealing with that grumpy witch of an aunt** \- it is about her irritation just because Richa is a new-generation bahu. It is about her singing praises of karwa-chauth at the expense of her own health, secretly showing Richa's dance videos to sasurji and making that rude-ass comment about Richa tasting food while cooking which could have been communicated in a much-nicer, non-bitchfaced way. **It is not about opposing karwa chauth** \- it is about the scene where sasurji praises karwa chauth tradition for its healing properties while HOGGING on food that the women have prepared. Dont fasts have healing effects on men too? **It is not about giving feedback** \- it is the constant backhanded comments that Diwakar and sasurji make about her cooking, Diwakar asking his MIL (Richa's mom) if she had taught her daughter how to make halwa, Sasurji eating all the biriyani and then saying "Namak kam hai". **It is not about eating breakfast together** \- it is about the inherent, ingrained, internalized sexism - women eating food off their husband's dirty plates, women getting to eat AFTER their husbands have eaten because they do not "go to clinic". **It is not about Diwakar being late in calling a plumber** \- it is about him using "being a busy doctor" as a facade to ignore ANY household responsibility. At least tell her where to call a plumber from in this locality? It is about him being blind to her having to put her hand into dirty dish water and scoop out gunk. **It is not about Diwakar skipping lunch one time** \- it is about his manchild behaviour because lunch was late ONE TIME. He ate fried food from outside, he goes out to parties - but that one day, he could not have eaten a salad or something "healthy" and despite being a doctor, survived on "6 cups of coffee". Incompetent manchild. **It is not about giving Richa rest during periods** \- it is about him being a doctor and believing that a woman should not enter kitchen during periods. So what? I am on my period so I cannot make myself a yummy sandwich? How is that giving me any rest? It is not about rest, IT IS NEVER ABOUT REST IT IS ABOUT POLLUTING PERIOD BLOOD. People have simplified the movie's criticism as - *Housewife did not want to do house work so she got divorce* *Housewife has everything she wants but still expects more from hardworking doctor husband* *women do not want to do housework anymore they don't make em like that anymore.* This movie is a warning for all those girls who think marriage is the be-all-end-all of their lives, neglecting their career, passion, freedom and happiness in the process.2
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