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We Investigated China’s Silicon Valley (It's Not What We Expected)
Indian media often paints a dull picture of China. We all know that it's definitely the opposite at this point. We just seem to copy the western propaganda and make it our personal use scenario. What's actually happening that makes China undisputed superpower and where can we improve maybe: - China has an operational rail link connecting Germany via Russia, building another one through Balkans. Obviously BRI adds to their prowess. Here in the subcontinent , we're struggling with unstable governments at all 3 fronts including Pak, Myanmar and border disputes with China resulting in a complete land blockade for India. We can't use the most convenient way to connect to the rest of the world i.e. via land. - China accounts for 50% of the global shipbuilding industry whereas India accounts for mere 0.06%. We're effectively blocked by our own limitations on the 4th front despite having such an enviously shaped coastline and vast Indian Ocean. We're reliant on the world to export and import products to us. It won't help our people grow, will it? The whole Indian ocean arc from S. Africa to Arabian peninsula to Eastern Australia should have been the playground in initial years of our development and for our indigenous ships so that our own sailors, shipbuilders and trade partners could refine the skills. More ports, More decentralised industries. - The more fundamental problems we face include, but not limited to, lack of implementation of nationwide planning and good institutions working at grassroot level for basic things like villages, public spaces, cities, communities, homes, green spaces (maybe Sponges as you would see in the video) and it's ratio in cities, trees, inland waterways, ecosystem planning, air/water and land degradation, agriculture and maybe everything I can think of except metros and other modern amenities. To our surprise, the oldest cities and campuses of our civilization like IVC and Nalanda were well planned. Vastu satra is a great example for this. When will we have the enlightenment again? Nowadays electric wiring, Fibre cable connectivity, waste management and recyling, lighting, surveillance, traffic management and many more additions to our daily life has made institutional planning really really necessary. I have never heard anyone complaining in the cities about houses built right next to each other blocking all the airflow and sunlight to other houses behind it and so on. Can't we have a more integrated system of open spaces around houses for nature, Sunlight and fresh air as an example. - Planned food forests and incentives related to it. It might be an unfamiliar word for some but here is a reference ( ). I somehow believe this is what our culture and traditions are all about. Isn't this the real definition of living in harmony with nature? Yes globalization and centralization is great in achieving short term goals, we'll get our fruits and products from somewhere anyhow, but hasn't it always been about localisation and decentralisation if we wanna prosper as a civilisation. More readily available diverse food sources introduces more diverse ecosystems around it resulting in useful food sources like mushrooms, animals, birds, insects etc acting as a food reserve for adverse situations. - We often take industrialisation for a mechanised elephant. The word itself carries the weight. Isn't industrialisation actually about giving the right modern tools to the population so that we can create the products we want, and maybe for the world? India is diverse, people in NE would need completely different set of equipments compared to say East India and same is true regarding South or North. If we can empower local communities with right tools, it would make all the difference. There'll be more innovation resulting in rapid mechanisation. That's exactly what China got right. We in India never actually let our local bodies have the power in fear of suppression as a lesson after Britishers. China did the oppposite, they gave the local bodies the authority and power needed to actually plan for their community. This resulted in grassroot development and quality implementation of the projects resulting in efficiency. (For eg: We don't exactly have any sort of village planning in Bihar. Farmers in Bihar are basically forced to carry out agriculture based on what others around them are doing as majority of them don't have full year vehicle access to their land. If they had, with some training, they could easily cultivate cash crops instead of already abundant rice and wheat, load it easily in pickup or evs and sell it in mandi. I guess Punjab has this system already). I'll reference some good resources which really helps us see the vision China had and how it made it possible (In comments.) I'm not saying this to make us feel bad. If only we acknowledge the good in others, then can we be good ourselves. There will be certain drawbacks in China too, if there are humans there will be chaos, but I believe the positives outshine them. Be it Man-made rivers, high speed rail, jets, agritech, city planning, cities, tradition, culture, public transport, infrastructure, ecosystem planning, green belts, man-made forests, preserving their heritage and finally Tech. They excel at everything, let's appreciate them for where they've come from in last 40 years. They give us the power to believe that if they can do it in 40 we can do it even before if only we learn from them instead of criticising them. They did help us acquire cheap tech and I do thank them for that. If China wasn't there, the tech coming from USA and Europe would have been very expensive for our general population, and actually is so rn. Most of the people won't even had been be able to afford a simple smartphone. Let's learn and grow, be good at what we do and with love in our hearts for nature and people. The world will surely roll back to the 15th century centre of influence and India and China will be one of the dominant forces. The question remains when we'll actually start working towards it as after all "PEOPLE make all the difference." Countries keep on forming and dividing.5
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