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Rajgir Wall - One of the earliest example of cyclopean masonry in the world
Cyclopean wall of Rajgir, dating back to 600 BC was built during the Haryanka dynasty and finds mention in buddhist and jaina sources. It spans approx 45 km encircling the capital city of Rajgir acting as defence against other mahajanpads and invasions. According to TW Rhys Davids, "The stone walls of Giribbaja (Rajgriha) are the oldest extant stone buildings in India." Hadrians wall built in 122 AD during the Roman empire serving a similar purpose was included as a UNESCO world heritage site in 1970. It was pretty amazing to see the extent and solid built quality of these walls which still stand strong at the southern gate of Rajgir, but surprisingly its not well known in Bihar, let alone India. Rajgir archaelogy is in pretty bad shape. Hope this wall gets inducted too
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