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Shrutika is toxic asf and clearing few points from today's incident.
1.Chum-shilpa-karan decided that they will put all of their dal portions they get for dinner together in the rice that was left from KV's lunch. So KV didn't do anything on his own. KV goes and takes these 3 portions from sara and shilpa-chum were present in the kitchen that time as well.
2. KV didn't take more than his own portion, for example if everyone was supposed to get 2 spoons of dal, he took only 2 spoons not 3 spoons. Instead he took 3 people's portion which those 3 people agreed they will eat together. So blaming him for eating other's food or more food is wrong.
3. Sara did not know how much quantity to give in each portion as she did not have a measure of how much daal she made. So she created all the confusion when she told SHRU to wait and let her check if there is enough for everyone since she thinks KV took more. Later she measured and realised there was enough dal left and came and told that to shru but until then shru had made up her mind to fight KV. Sara was wrong to say KV took more when he didn't. (Edit: someone shared a clip of LF in the comments where sara is telling that shru comes and tells sara she is taking her and chum's dal to which sara tells KV already took chum's portion. Here shru lies to sara that no chum is asking for her portion and she wants her dal. This was a lie cause chum did not ask shru to bring her dal nor she said she wants her portion or anything. Chum was aware that her portion of dal is in the rice like she agreed. Here SHRU wanted to force feed dal to chum to show her care for her and lies to sara that chum is asking for her dal. Hence she is more responsible than sara for creating this confusion. I feel she did it intentionally so people point at KV for eating more than his portion.)
4. KV ate his portion and kept the rest for chum and shilpa. He did not eat it all like shru claims. He told shilpa to eat and she said no I will not eat dinner tonight. Then she goes and takes more dal and eats dinner even after knowing that as agreed upon before, her portion of dal is in the rice that KV has kept aside for her and she refused to eat. That portion was also not eaten by KV, DV ate that later cause shilpa said she will not eat. Here shilpa is at fault for taking again, she took more than her portion, not KV.
5. Shru comes to tell KV that he took chum's portion of dal and ate that even though she was sick. Shru makes it seem like chum wanted to eat dal but later on shru herself says that "I FORCED CHUM TO EAT DAL BY SAYING I WILL EAT DAL ONLY IF YOU EAT FIRST". So Chum didn't even want to eat dal or wanted her portion. Shru made it look like she was fighting for chum because chum didn't get her rightful portion of dal. Whereas in reality, chum never wanted that dal cause she knew her portion of dal is in the rice like she agreed.
6. When shru thinks she is being proven wrong as chum is not defending her, she starts attacking KV. Chum walks out cause she is sick and as we know she doesn't like her friends fighting. Now shru doesn't care about chum's health apparently.4
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