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Just because avinash is entertaining, itdoesn't absolve him from his mean and aggressive nature. DV is far better than him even if he doesn't "entertain"
Khairaat mei Mila avinaash ko TG position. He very conveniently supported chum and told her he will take revenge from rajat and then he didn't take away rajats nomination rights. He very conveniently made KV vice time God only to burden him with extra duties so that he can engage with people like Yamini over petty fights. Nobody questioned him as a TG because he set everyone up. He nominated Vivian, didn't save him from eliminations and still pretends to call him "bhai" No matter how spineless Vivian was, he has stood up for avinash a lot of times only to get backstabbed by him twice. His equation w eisha comes from a place of infatuation at best and he won't take time to step over her as well if the game demands that from him. A person so mean and selfish can't be likeable no matter how funny he tries to look on screen. He is an actor, ofcourse he can entertain. But his true personality? Still a big question mark. DV on the other hand never gave false promises To people he made bonds with. He told everyone from day 1 he is in here to win trophy and play games. Yet we have seen him stand up for KV and chum and build genuine bonds w them. He had expectations from them because he also invested his time and emotions into them. He doesn't change his path based on WKV narratives unlike avinash who does a complete 18p degree turn based on feedbacks. Avinash won't be seen on screen if it wasn't the spoonfeeding he gets in WKV.4
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