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Are BB creatives Dumb?
It is basically understand that life/show will get boring cz of very evident repeatative things. Pendulum should swing in both sides to maintain the oscillation.(Wtf was this line but yeah that's what it is) - Praise DV for one WKW - in other one praise Rajat when he does right thing. Ngl his samikarans are actually interesting - sometimes praise chahat for playing solo - bash chum/Vivian for taking themselves lightly - praise KV for being center of the house (Farah did this) - Bash Avinash/Vivian for derogatory comments. - bash other housemates when they speak english/discuss nomination or do baseless argument. DV ka toh rojka hai Then see reactions of housemates and audience... Favouritism exists i know..woh tasks tk simit rakhe. WKW should be interesting.. listening to both sides imo Am I making sense LOL? Is it that difficult to understand? 🫠🙄3
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