Community Information
The "Hindi-Hate" thing in Bangalore is blown out of proportion
Recently been to Manipal Hospital for the annual health checkup. Since it was the year end, the hospital was swarmed with IT dudes all thronging to complete their quota of check up. Every nurse, attended, worker, even doctor and canteen staf, I encountered addressed people in hindi and not in English or Kannada - this despite most of them being Kannadigas. Communicating on Hindi naturally with others has just seeped into so many areas of our Kannada society. Makes me wonder how people paint the entire town red of North hating sentiment because of auto drivers and few goondas tearing up posters. Every delivery guy, every rapido driver I encounter first initiates the conversation in Hindi and only then switch to Kannada after realising I can speak it. When hindi is default mode of conversation at almost every encounter, Where is the Hindi hate here? Please dont target the entire city and its 1 crore+ citizens because you had a couple of rough experience with auto drivers.2
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