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Repeated Encounters with a Suspicious Man Near Koramangala BDA – Anyone Else Experienced This?
So this evening around 7:30 PM, I 23(M) was passing by the BDA Complex, Koramangala. The place tends to get a bit empty around that time. A guy tapped me on the shoulder and asked, “Do you speak English?” I said yes, and then he asked, “Can you come with me till the washroom? I am scared to go alone”. The moment he said this I instantly recognized the situation from before and I said I’m getting late and kept moving. So, last year, the same guy had stopped me near the BDA bus stand and said the exact same thing: “Can you come with me till the washroom? I’m scared of darkness.” I ignored him and kept moving. He also tried to stop me again a week later, but that time I ignored his “Hi” as well and went away. Now, seeing him approach me yet again today really creeped me out. I have no idea if this is some sort of scam, or something more serious, but it felt unsettling. Has anyone else experienced this? He’s a chubby guy, looks like 28-29 years old, with a receding hairline.4
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