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I'm a 47 year old doctor from tamil nadu
I was suggested this site by my senior who noticed I was frustrated and though I was hesitant at first I ended up telling her about my frustrations about my marital life. She explained to me tht she went through the same thing. And that she thought her husband wasn't interested as she grew older ( I'm hope that, that isn't the reason with my husband). And she wanted to talk about a conference that she went about 6 months ago. We all knew about that conference and she went because she was on of the senior most doctors in our hospital. She said that , she went there to relieve her frustration s and that I should too, which I didn't understand immediately. Then she explained that as she went alone she was able to do some questionable things z which took yme back, as she wasn't the type of person to do tht at all... And seeing that I'm in a similar position to her, she told me that she will give me her place to go to Bangalore as a guest lecturer in a few weeks and I can relieve myself as she did. I was blown away and hesitant, but she explained to me that she didn't cheat on her husband but doing those things, helped her live more easily without the frustrations occupying her mind. After a few days of it constantly in my mind , i decided to do it, and I told her. She suggested that I use this site to get ready for it mentally and to ask for suggestions ( as I'm apparently not fashionable enough, which she explained was the same with her). So I'm here now asking for help. I'm asking for help to cheat. So about myself, I'm a 47 year old woman. Far complexion. I don't exercise andso I'm not fit .I can explain or answer whatever questions I'm asked to help me like you guys helped her, please don't ask for my pictures, I'm not ready for that ( she said that I should be ok with sharing my picture so , people can help me by suggesting better dresses that suit me , but also warned me to never share my face). So I need help dressing up, I wear sarees to my hospital and salwar the other times. I haven't worn western attire in any form. I also need help about how to carry myself in Bangalore, so I can enjoy myself physically and stay safe t the same time. I apologise in advance if I haven't explained my situation properly. She showed me a post that helped her and told me to add a link to that , so this is her post She told me to post in any community related to Bangalore and Chennai and importantly on communities marked as nsfw, I need help with tht too Thank you in advance1
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