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Why we Indians are so much careful of food hygiene in the house but do not care much when it comes to outside food ?
Every single household when we cook the amount of cleanliness we maintain is magnificent , we care about a single roach or a fly to be kept outside , from where we are buying the chicken if its fresh or not but we same people eat outside without authentification. 90 percent of indian street food is absolutely dirty and people still eat there , those guys put their hands anywhere and keep serving food with their hands , heck even the clean looking restaurents just once if u ever peak in their kitchen most of it is so much dirty that cant be imagined . The local bakery where they make biscuits or those pao or cakes om my god there are plenty of videos online you know what I am talking about . Countries of africa or laos or other poor countries despite being poor has better clean food than us its because we gave them the right to feed us whatever and never question them when it comes to hygiene .4
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