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Why do Indian study subs always give out of touch advice?
Anytime I have asked advice on these subreddit with regards to my field (science/research) the advise is always go abroad which is hilariously out of touch. It's crazy to me how so many people are just enamored with the idea of going abroad for their MS that if someone earnestly wants advice they just repeat the same old stuff like a parrot. **Here's the thing if I could afford to go abroad I already would have done so.** I wouldn't be here on reddit asking for advice. Also the advice is vague most of the time. "Look up the college websites", "research", "look up scholarships". Well yeah I already know but WHICH website to look up? Where to start research? What scholarships? If someone already knew these things would they be asking advice on reddit of all places? I feel like most people on these subs are 20 years old bachelors students or a bunch of IT workers working some middling 9 to 5 jobs. They don't actually have any experience to answer such questions and that reflects in their answers. Making it to some college abroad is difficult. *If people can't make it to top colleges in India do you think going abroad is cakewalk?* ***Not everyone is born to rich parents.*** ***Not everyone is born to UNDERSTANDING parents.*** I have a relative studying in Dublin and my parents don't even know where that is. Tell them that it's Ireland's capital and they'll ask is Ireland in the US? You have to tell them it's "near London" to give them CONTEXT. Do you guys genuinely think such parents would send their kids abroad? Saying go abroad India is horrible is very easy. I damn well know India is horrible. I am suffering in this horrible country. So please say something that is of some use to people.3
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