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Why are people patriotic in the most cringe way?
Errr this might be the wrong subreddit but I just wanna rant. For context, I live in the US I just saw Chhava (very average movie) and some ppl in the theater beat their chest and say a tribute to the dude the movie was about 🙄 Very loud and very obnoxious. And very fucking cringe. I also saw other videos of the same shit on the internet too and was praying it wouldn’t happen in Seattle lol. Do people not realize this is so fucking cringe? It’s not evoking any sort of emotions in the MAJORITY of people except cringe and annoyance. Take this patriotism and shove it up your ass. Do something productive. I brought 2 of my friends with me (Italian Americans) to watch the movie, and while they liked it, some dude blocked the entire exit row at the end of the movie and shouted “JAI MAHARASHTRA” when we said excuse me, swore at my friends and then laughed with his boys. There is SO much blind patriotism, yet no outrage over the things that actually matter. Instead of waving flags and chest-thumping over trivialities, why not channel that energy into demanding real change? • Why is education and healthcare taxed so heavily while billionaires get tax breaks? • Why do politicians enjoy limitless privileges with zero accountability for their failures? • Why are law enforcement agencies being used selectively instead of cracking down on real corruption? • Why does a broken road stay broken for months while ministers drive on freshly paved VIP lanes? • Why can one person spend crores on a wedding while another starves, despite India being a welfare state? If your patriotism doesn’t extend beyond chanting slogans and shutting down criticism, it’s not patriotism….it’s just ignorance. RAISE YOUR VOICE FOR THE RIGHT THINGS. P.s this is not only an Indian issue, Americans do it all the time, but I identify as Indian first1
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