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what is the best way to invest 1 lakh rupees
hey everyone! I am 19F in 1st year of engg and saved upto 1 lakh rupees ( been saving since I was 5). Currently it is mixed in my mom's FD account but now I want to invest it on myself be it financially , physically or emotional . what should I do with that money ? I want to learn investing too so should I try with that money like- - Mutual funds via SIPs ( thought to start SIP of 3-5k/month but I will run out of money soon after 2 years lol ) - ppf for 1 lakh or 50k ( I will not learn anything tho and returns are same as FD its just tax free) or should I buy any course for myself like photography course , piano classes or any other coding language courses if you ask me I want to get treated for ADHD but my parents mehhhh🙂🙏 they will not take me to psych or anywhere, neither fund it nor let me do it anyway.4
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