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Unpopular opinion: I'm not a fan of Aevy TV. Am I alone?
Firstly i dont follow their content so much, but once i clicked on their video and after that we all know how algorithm works. I like the topics they choose, and i like the information they provide, but i feel they always seem to have fear mongering tone in their videos. Even the sister account, "full disclosure" i dont know why i feel so negatively towards them. They seem like pretentious know it alls providing obvious information with nice editing. I cant connect with them, even in their skits they give examples, but they never seem vulnerable enough to give their own examples. They always portray other people's stories as though they are holier than thou. I mean the information is alright, its fine, its also very obvious but sometime it feels like its leading to a negative conclusion. I never found them helpful tbh, as if they intentionally leave that part and only focus on click baity appeal and very black and white. I may have biases, but is there anyone else who feels its just anxiety inducing? EDIT - realised that this isnt an unpopular opinion as i thought it was. Honestly, GLAD.4
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