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She Lied for Over a Year, Broke My Trust even though she knew how much trust mattered to me, and Blamed Me for Being 'Too Sensitive"
The post is long, so please bear with it. Also, I have written a TL;DR at the end, if you don't want to read the entire post. I started working in IT in 2021 as a fresher and joined a project in April 2022. Along with me, there were 2 other fresher girls of the same age who were added in the project. Let's call the one this post is about as ‘R’ It was all virtual and we being from different states, we never met. Since we all 3 were freshers and new to the technology, we struggled a lot and thus used to connect a lot to check on things. In that, one of the girl and I started to connect more and eventually we were speaking for hours on so many topics like psychology, human values, her schooling, beliefs in Gods, many things. The conversations were beautiful and they never felt forced, it was like we both were longing to have someone who could speak for hours on such topics together. I never had any female friends in my school or even in engineering, this felt so special for me, that at the end of every day I used to eagerly wait for every next day just so that I could hear her voice and speak to her. Also, for the things she told me about herself, and all, and the things she was doing for her family as soon as she started earning, I started to have immense respect for her and in came trust in her. Both the girls would prank me every now and then. I rarely fell for the other girl's prank, but I almost always fell for R's pranks, simply because I had started to trust her purely, and she knew that too. Things continued and I started to like her. I mean a bond so special, who would be an idiot to let it go? But I couldn't tell her, as I wanted to give it some time (since we were only virtual, things were difficult and I wanted to be sure of her). I took time to open up, but I eventually did. Cut to Sept 2023, R started to tell me about her past relationship and how it had gone until marriage talks, but marriage didn't happen and it had hurt her along with the actions of her ex and how she suffered for 3 years. I backed off from telling her my feelings, as I thought she was still not over her past relationship. I thought of giving her time to open up, speak about it, and eventually get over it, as it had already been about 5 years that the marriage stuff didn't happen and thus they had to separate. But she kept telling more or less the same stuff to me every month, once or twice, which gave me a feeling that her wounds are too deep and she would need more time to heal and I wanted to be there for her. In the meantime, we switched companies around the same time and we both got jobs in the same company. She called it a destiny that we are so alike and we also always end up together in so many things. February 2024, was when I finally decided to tell her my feelings and at around the same time she told me about a caste thing, that her family would never accept someone of another caste. So, I kind of backed off, but my feelings didn't. I still kept falling for her and she was my only friend in the second company too as things were still virtual even here. Now, by March, I kind of had given her hints that I liked her and even told her that I can't bear us having to separate. Things went on, until in the month of September 2024, she had been to a trip with her younger sister and sister's friend. After coming back, she was very excitedly telling about the trip and showing the things she had brought and she slipped and told me that her ex was there too. It came as such a shock to me, as why would any sane person like her would go on a trip with her ex after so many years, and on top of it she shared the hotel room with him (consider the fact that, there were 2 males (her sister's friend is a male) and 2 females on the trip, so it makes sense that girls would take one room and boys the other. I said she sharing a room with her ex when her sister was there on the trip made no sense, to which she justified that it's just normal for boys and girls to sleep in the same room. I know, it's normal when there's no space and all the rooms booked are less compared to people, but here the case was different. It made no sense) I raised concerns out of anger and care that why did she go on a trip with her ex, when she had suffered for 3 years earlier and even after 5 years she was still struggling to move on? She said, she just wanted to make memories with him, and that she isn't attached to him and that she has moved on way back from him. Again, made no sense to me. In anger, I told her, that I liked her and I waited for her, for so long to completely move on, so that I could tell her about my feelings. It's not that I wasn't aware that, we couldn't marry each other, I was, but I just wanted to tell her anyways. Even after February month Fine, by October 2024, she kept assuring me that she is now single and she hasn't contacted her ex even a single time after the trip. Also, we had been planning to meet finally after 3 years of virtual friendship and her being single was important for me, as I didn't want to create any issues in her relationship if there was one. A male best friend travelling from another state just to meet her, could have been too much for her boyfriend if at all he had any doubts on my intentions, so I kept asking her is she was really single and everytime she said yes. Fine, I decided to meet her and stay in her city for about 2 weeks, so that we will finally speak in person, go to office together, go for tea and walks. She insisted that I stay with her rather than spending money on hotels or day-stays as she lived alone in a 1BHK. I was hesitant, as by this time, she even expressed that she liked me and all, and I didn't want to complicate things for her and me. I again, confirmed if she was really single and wasn't in contact with her ex or wasn't in any other relationship, to which she kept saying yes and thus I agreed to stay at her flat in the hall, as flight cost and all was going to be quite a lot for me, as I was running quite short on cash at the time due to some family expenses. So staying at her flat would save the stay and food expenses, and we could go to office together and also go for walks and all, whenever we wanted. December end, just about 2 weeks before my flight, she texts me one day and tells me that she is not single and she is still in a relationship with her so-called ex. And she tells me this, because her ex and she had fights about me staying with her (the very reason why I kept irritating her to tell if she was single or not). She all of a sudden wanted me to not stay at her flat and find an alternative accommodation. She later sorted things with her so-called ex and told me that I could stay at her flat. However, her relationship status came as a huge shock to me, and she lied about such a huge point to me for more than 1.5 years and only now, when her so-called ex had issues and they fought, only then she thought of letting me know the truth, because he was getting hurt. She always knew that trust and honesty mattered a lot to me and lies about important stuff bothers me a lot and she always knew how much I trusted her , and I even begged her (literally on phone) in September after that trip, to not lie to me and tell the truth whatever it was. And yet she kept lying to me. But as soon as there was some problem from her so-called ex, she all of a sudden had to tell the truth. She broke my trust so badly, that I couldn't take it. Things were quite messed up in my family in November and I needed her the most, and she knew about all the mess that was there in my family. I even told her that I should have booked the flight for earlier, as I could have then been with her and I would feel good. And now this… and she told me that she hasn't cheated me or anything, so I shouldn't think much. When I said somethings in anger and pain, she said that her boyfriend's pain is more than that of mine and he is more disturbed than me. She literally compared my pain to someone else's pain….and said that mine is lesser than his…and she literally asked me “Did I ever ask you to care for me that much??” We had an ugly fight about a week before I went to her city, but things seemed normal after that. But when I reached her place, I noticed that she kept speaking to her boyfriend on phone (the same so-called ex) for so many times in the entire day and when they were not speaking, texts would be happening. All in front of me, which made me feel so ignored and unwanted. I thought she might at least consider that I might feel ignored and all, but no nothing like that happened. I tried to have conversations with her and tell her stuff, she seemed disinterested always. There were cases, where I was telling her something, I stopped abruptly in middle and she didn't care. She left the conversation there and didn't bother to ask me to continue or finish what I wanted to share; this is the same girl who just about until a month back would ponder me to share things with her if I mentioned something, she cared for me. I felt even more ignored and unwanted. When we went to the office together, same thing continued, she would speak to her boyfriend and text him, but when in the evening I would ask her to come to drink tea with me and walk a bit, she never came, she always had work to do, but always had time for her boyfriend. As soon as we would sit in the cab to go back to her place, she would again start texting him or would call him. But couldn't spare 20-25 minutes to have evening tea with me. And there are quite a few things, which all made me feel ignored and unwanted. When her younger sister and/or her sister's friend came over (the same guy who was on the trip in September), she always spoke nicely and smiled and laughed. But after they were gone and it was just me and her, her tone would always be different with me, she barely smiled and I don't remember her laughing even once. She was the same girl who laughed and smiled at my stupid jokes, and spoke to me with so much enthusiasm and all every single day, and now that we finally were meeting in person after 3 years of knowing each other; there were no conversations, no laughs, barely any smiles. We used to say that we would go to drink tea every now and then, and we would keep going on walks. But nothing happened, we didn't even have one nice conversation together. And on top of all, the amount of communication between her and her boyfriend made me so uncomfortable and made me feel ignored and unwanted, There were many delicate things we had kept aside to be spoken about when we met in person, like for example she had told me she had lost all trust in love. I had told her that we will speak on it when we meet. We didn't… For her lying part, she said I was too sensitive to handle the truth and thus she chose to lie to me. When she had started to tell me about her past relationship, I barely opened up to her, so there was no way that she would think I was sensitive. And I am rather a very emotionally cold person (in terms of expressing them), but with her I was always free and I cared for her, and she knew this all. She right from 2022, knew that I trusted her, and she knew how much trust means to me and is important for me. Yet she chose to lie constantly and expected me to consider lying in friendships as a normal thing. She broke my trust and blamed it on me being sensitive to her, but she didn't even know for sure that I liked her until September 2024, so what about an entire year from Sept 2023 to Sept 2024? How come she lied to me then? She knew how much big lies hurt me, yet she lied. She also kept saying many times that she never lies to her boyfriend. What's eating my peace of mind is: How come she maintained truth with him, and didn't give a damn about my values and feelings when it came to me?? On a bit of an alternative point, she went in the relationship when she was just about 16 years old, while although she never told me the guy's age, from everything she has told me, it's a logical implication that he was easily about 25 or 26 years old or even more, 9 years back. So, basically a 25 or 26 years old guy staring at a school girl, going round her house, at times following her and that stuff is what she fell for. This was a crucial point for me to be worried about her so much and being emotionally invested in her, as although I have never dated a girl yet, the above one definitely seems very very abnormal, the age gap is what scared me and thus I was rooting for her to move on and get out of that past, but lol, it never was a past, she was always with him and still is.. And of course they got physical, as she turned 18. Now, I do understand that 2 years of a relationship, might make people get physical eventually, but the age gap scared me. On top of all that, she has decided that she will lie to her spouse about this 9 or 10 year old relationship. Earlier I thought it's okay, she will have her own insecurity, but the fact that she is now conscious about her insecurity if she was not when she was a 16 year old kid, and yet she is still continuing the same thing, baffles me…. she was the last person I would think, who would lie about something that has been there since more than 9 years now and think that it is okay, because she is afraid of disclosing it, but still continues it…. I now have developed very serious trust issues because of this, as I don't want to get lied upon in the arranged marriage setting or otherwise… TL;DR: I built a deep bond of trust with a colleague over three years, believing in our friendship and her honesty. However, she repeatedly lied about her relationship status, insisting she was single while secretly being with her ex. When her boyfriend objected to me visiting, she finally admitted the truth—not out of respect for me, but because it affected her relationship. Despite knowing how much trust meant to me, she dismissed my feelings, ignored me when we met, and prioritized her boyfriend over our friendship. What hurts even more is that she repeatedly told me she never lies to him, yet she lied to me so much and expected me to normalize it. She entered the relationship at 16, while the guy—based on everything she told me—was likely 25 or 26 at the time. The nature of their relationship and the significant age gap deeply concerned me, making me emotionally invested in her well-being. I hoped she would move on, but she was never really out of that relationship. Now, she has decided to hide this 9–10-year-long relationship from her future spouse, despite continuing it. This entire experience has left me with serious trust issues, especially in the context of marriage, as I fear being lied to in an arranged marriage setting or otherwise. My point isn't about having relationships, my point is about not taking any accountability for it and the fact that even after you are conscious about it now, you still continue it…and will of course lie4
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