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Lost spark in life. Does it get better?
10 months since he got down on one knee and proposed - told me we were destined to be together and he wanted to marry me (despite admitting he has commitment issues). 10 months since he planned a future with me and told me he was excited to make me meet his mom. Told me if 30 years from now someone were to ask him who’s inside his heart, the answer would still be me. 9 months since he broke up with me over a stupid argument. It was a small fixable issue - nothing that couldn’t be fixed especially by 2 people who were planning to get married. Tried talking to him to sort things out multiple times but he stuck to the break up saying he’s done with relationships in general. 8 months since he last slept with me. 7 months since he gave me signals we might get back together. 4 months since he told me he hasn’t moved on from me (and doubts he will) but doesn’t want a relationship with me. Admitted to me being right about him having commitment issues. 2 days since he got married to someone else in an AM afaik (no family pressure. no commitment issues present apparently). Hasn’t even been a full year since he was head over heels in love with me, and since we were sitting together planning a whole life together- now he’s someone’s husband. I still have dreams about him but now I feel worse because he’s a married man. I’m 29F almost 30, lost spark in life. How does one move on? Life has been tumultuous in general, this being the most recent setback. I was so sure I would marry this guy - felt it in my bones. Been in therapy for a few months but I’m just tired. Tired of picking myself up again (or trying to). Feels like I’ve always been living life on hard mode. People around me breeze through life while I get challenges after challenges with no breathing room.2
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