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Is Hero Worship holding India back?
I’ve been thinking a lot lately, everywhere I see hero worshipping, fan armies and what not. We’re 1.4+ billion people. We should have 1.4 billion+ independent thought processes, yet we often fall into the herd mentality, trapped by the culture of hero worship. Can India truly become great if we continue to indulge in hero worship? What if we lived in a society where politicians, actors, influencers, sportsperson, and leaders etc weren’t protected by blind adoration? Instead, they would have to justify their actions and decisions, through their own words. Hero worship often stops us from asking tough questions and holding people accountable. But what if we shifted away from that? What if we judged people by their actions and results, not just their popularity or status? Wouldn’t this lead to a country where: • Everyone is held accountable? • We reward people for real achievements, not just fame? • Corruption is reduced because we stop idolizing blindly? • People start thinking critically and making informed choices? you think stopping hero worship could help India more responsible ?4
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