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A peek into Andhra Pradesh History: December 11, 1881.
\* Veeresaingam's pioneering work in the emancipation of the Andhra widows overshadows his achievements in other branches of social reform. In 1874, a widow remarriage association was started in Madras with much fanfare. Kokanda Venkataratnam was outraged by the very idea of widow remarriage. In order to convince the orthodox leader like Kokanda Venkataratnam and Vedam Venkataraya Shastri that remarriage of the widows was not prohibited by the old Dharma Shastra, Veerasalingam began to address public meetings where he quoted chapter and verse from the Shastras to prove his point. On August 3, 1879, he delivered his first lecture on the remarriage of widows at Maharaja's Girls' School. \* The speech created a sensation throughout the Andhra Desa. The orthodox leaders took up the challenge and organized special meetings to counter the arguments of Veeresalingam. In these public debates held at Rajahmundry and Kakinada, the opponents of widow remarriage could not prove their point, so they encouraged the **rowdies to physically assault Veerasalingam**, but he was saved by his students. \* After creating the necessary psychological background, Veeresaingam plunged into action. He sent his students to different and remote places to find out persons who were prepared to marry widows. But the most difficult part was to find parents who were prepared to get their daughters remarried. Veeresalingham came to know that a mother of a young widow was anxious to get her daughter remarried. So he sent his students to the remote village where the young widow lived and with great difficulty brought her safely to Rajahmundry. The name of the widow was **Seethamma**. She was married to Gogulapati **Sri Ramulu** on **December 11, 1881** at Rajahmundry. Thus, the **first widow remarriage** in Andhra Pradesh from the higher castes was performed. The marriage was performed in a tense atmosphere. The orthodox leaders of Rajahmundry tried their best to break up the marriage. The students and the followers of Veeresalingham were equally determined to see that the marriage was performed. The police guarded the entire locality where the marriage took place. After failing in their attempt to frustrate the marriage, the orthodox leaders **excommunicated the 31 families** who took part in the celebration. Source: History and Culture of Andhra Pradesh by P Raghunadha Rao1
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