How many of you have seen/used this School bag. It was My louis vuitton when I used to go to school 1 1 replies
Bengali youth Krishanu Chatterjee was brutally murdered by 30+ blows to the body, allegedly by Defence Service Corps guards in Metal & Steel Factory, Ichapur, West Bengal. BanglaPokkho demands that murderers face trial & the family member of the deceased gets an Ordnance job. 1 0 replies
8 A.M. Metro isn't just a normal movie. It's an charismatic tale of two strangers that pumps our heart with emotions.🥺❤️🙌🏻 5 0 replies
You have voted for the lotus flower, will evict you from the village, kill you: Muslim hooliganism begins after I.N.D.I. Alliance wins in Jharkhand 1 0 replies
Bangladesh freezes bank accounts of 17 people linked to ISKCON, including Das - Times of India 1 0 replies
I sent a mail to the CM of New Delhi. I added Mohak Mangal's new video and IQAQI links in the mail. IDK what will happen now, but I was worried about my wife's health. The news every day made me depressed. That Mohak's new video made me even more depressed. 2 0 replies