The upvote logic is wrong, it is showing -1 for a downvote and when I upvote from other account -1 will change into 0 which is not good, since upvotes and downvotes are a separate thing and both should be shown on a social platform. 1 2 replies
It should not be like this, in the wiki it should show the topics in the as a list in the centre, but it is not showing and it just opens up the first made question in wiki and shows others in the side. 3 0 replies
I believe when I open chats it should still show the side bar since it's a feature to quickly navigate through the different teams(groups). And the home button on the top also doesn't have any purpose since the when I scroll down it's doesn't show. 1 0 replies
It should not show the numbers of pages since it's endless scroll. But it's showing in the gap of loading posts. 1 1 replies
In the search bar it only show the option to show wiki, whenever I search any team name but I want to open chats - if there is no chat it only shows wiki as in the image below but if there are some chats written in the topic it shows them in the chat section but it doesn't show the option to open Chat section only. It only show the option to open the already written chats in the topic. 2 0 replies
Profile page is not working on every ID, its working for me in this id but not working in other id. 2 1 replies
There is no feature to remove image which I have uploaded, and when I upload two images and I want to remove one image I have to cancel the whole chat which also removes everything which is a little painful to do again and again. 1 0 replies
I think there should be a toggle button in comments. Here in this image, It's very cluttered and there should be a toggle button for a continued comment. 1 0 replies
When I make a chat, it doesn't show who made it - it's just showing "opened by in Programming" it should show the username of the creator. And also for the creator itself it's showing the same thing, where it should instead show "by You". 2 2 replies