മുഖം മറച്ച് പരീക്ഷയ്ക്കെത്തിയത് തടഞ്ഞു; പ്രിന്സിപ്പല് അസീസിനെതിരെ ഒരു വിഭാഗം മുസ്ലിം സംഘടനകള് മുഖം മറച്ച് പരീക്ഷയ്ക്കെത്തിയത് തടഞ്ഞു; പ്രിന്സിപ്പല് അസീസിനെതിരെ ഒരു വിഭാഗം മുസ്ലിം സംഘടനകള് 1 0 replies
Atul Subhash suicide: After asking man to pay Rs 5 crore in an old divorce case, SC lists 8 factors to decide alimony - The Economic Times As per the Supreme Court here are the factors which are used as reference for deciding alimony are: > 1. *Status of the parties, social and financial* > 2. *Reasonable needs of the wife and the dependent children* >3. *Parties' individual qualifications and employment statuses* >4. *Independent income or assets owned by the applicant* >5. *Standard of life enjoyed by the wife in the matrimonial home* >6. *Any employment sacrifices made for the family responsibilities* >7. *Reasonable litigation costs for a non-working wife* >8. *Financial capacity of the husband,... 2 0 replies
UP CM backs Allahabad HC judge who made anti-Muslim remarks, says he spoke the truth UP CM backs Allahabad HC judge who made anti-Muslim remarks, says he spoke the truth 1 0 replies
They shouldn't have Backstabbed Him... Fadnavis Villian Arc has been Crazy & Thrilling 🥶... What do you think...??? 3 0 replies
Hindu Groups' Protest Cancels Interfaith Couple's Post-Wedding Celebrations In Aligarh | Bajrang Bal was joined by other outfits including Karni Sena for protests against the gathering as it could lead to “more interactions between young men and women of different communities" Hindu Groups' Protest Cancels Interfaith Couple's Post-Wedding Celebrations In Aligarh | Bajrang Bal was joined by other outfits including Karni Sena for protests against the gathering as it could lead to “more interactions between young men and women of different communities" 4 0 replies