For superior connectivity, Kerala need not reinvent the wheel For superior connectivity, Kerala need not reinvent the wheel 3 0 replies
I think we are about to witness a showdown between these two. Rajat will lose his control and KV will not back down... 5 0 replies
My parents wated to watch Kaasav. Where can we watch it and what is your opinion on the movie if you have watched it? Ethical ways welcomed 1 0 replies
My parents wanted to watch Kaasav. Where can we watch it and if you have watched it what is your opinion regarding the movie? Ethical ways welcomed 3 0 replies
As he leaves office, Romney says GOP policies don’t always align with the working class As he leaves office, Romney says GOP policies don’t always align with the working class 4 0 replies
The Bitcoin billionaire who set up a $2 million treasure hunt The Bitcoin billionaire who set up a $2 million treasure hunt 4 0 replies
I’ve Borrowed Money from Friends Multiple Times, and I’m Afraid They’re Starting to Resent Me I’ve Borrowed Money from Friends Multiple Times, and I’m Afraid They’re Starting to Resent Me 2 0 replies
My church kept ICE from deporting our neighbor Jose. The Bible told us so. President-elect Donald Trump has plans to end a policy that generally restricts ICE from arresting undocumented people at or near so-called sensitive locations. My church kept ICE from deporting our neighbor Jose. The Bible told us so. President-elect Donald Trump has plans to end a policy that generally restricts ICE from arresting undocumented people at or near so-called sensitive locations. 2 0 replies