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Trying options
Hello everyone, I have been reading/listening/researching options for month now and just this month I bit the bullet and bought my first call option. I bought on 02/03, 10 contracts for 0.26 each with INTC as the underlying security, strike price $22 and expiring on 02/21. It was down 1/2 for the first weeks and it happened that I mooned this week (as you all may have seen) I panicked and didn’t sell for a 11x return (paid $266 and I was up to $3k yesterday). Now I am looking at a 5x return and trying to understand what’s the best move here. I guess cashing in for $3k was the best option but I missed. Now I am wondering if I should just saw at opening pump (happens everyday this week) and get 5x my “investment” or should I let it ride on speculation, since it’s ITM now with hopes that I will go up next week again before Friday, where I can then sell it (I don’t plan on executing it, unless it goes to $50 or something stupid). My fear is that waiting it out, I will lose too much for tetha decay with a chance of my option going back to being “worthless”. What would you all do (as a newbie trying options trading)?1
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