I might die.
I haven't been able to eat anything, for the past two days. I tried to eat eggs this morning, but the smell made me vomit. My mom said I should call my doctor, and schedule an appointment. I'm too scared to, if I'm being honest. For reasons, I REALLY HATE doctors offices, and similar settings. They make me scared and depressed. I know I really should schedule a doctor's appointment, because there's a chance I have a health condition, that I don't know about. But I'm scared, I wish I didn't have to deal with everything alone. I hope I can get some sleep tonight, but I'm concerned, that I might die in my sleep. I mean it when I say, the idea of my family coming across my dead body, scares me. I've seen my fair share of gore, and the worse ones are when someone dies in front of a loved one. Now I'm fucking crying, I can't stand the thought of that. Idk, what to do. On one hand, I'm scared of the doctors and the people staring at me, BUT on the other hand I know I should probably schedule an appointment. I'm sorry if this is a long post, I'm a bit out of it, and needed to tell people my thoughts. No one will read it, so it doesn't matter. Im so tired, and my body aches.5
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