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Final Update : I've my RTO exam tomorrow and I need help..
Long story short, I finally got my drivingLicense <3 Actually I got it last week itself but I forgot to update cause I've my internal exams going on and it was a weekend right after so had some plans. So as y'all know I gave my Rto Exam on 10th Feb Got an update via sms about the approval of my application on 11th Feb On 12th Feb I got an sms that I was issued a license number. The no. was sent to me with 2 links one for the parivahan website and another for downloading digilocker, both of them was for me to view the license. since I had digilocker already for other gov docs, I issued my license there using my name, license no.,mobile no. and otp offcourse. So technically I got my virtual license within 2 days. Which was a great surprise ig cause I assumed I'd get my physical/original license first and I'll have to wait for the said 2-3 weeks to get it. Anyways On 14th Feb the sms said something about my license being handed over to the India Post with their link to track delivery status and it's tracking id/no. On 18th Feb I had an sms on the update about a speed post being booked from Dadar BPC and other info related to tracking for the same. Then On 21st, I was studying in the college after my internal exams. I got a call around 1-2pm from the postman who said that he had come in the morning to deliver my package but no one was home and he had called me at the time. (later I did see a missed call, he had called me while I was attending my internal exams around 10:30/11ish) he asked if I'm home and if there is no one at my house right now then, I'll have to collect the post from the post office itself and that he was about to head to another area to deliver other packages. He said that I'll have to collect it today by 5pm or the next day (i.e 22nd Feb) at 10am or else he will have to ship my post back in the afternoon. So I decided it's better to collect it that day itself. He told me to call when I'd be at the post office. I then texted my brother to pick me up and that we'll have to go to the post office and about this whole ordeal. He said he was gonna be free by 3-3:30. So yeah after that he picked me up and we headed to get my license from the post office. On my way I had called my dad he told me to give 100/200 rupees to the post man as a baksheesh before he asks for it himself with a specific amount. To which I usually disagree but on the ride there my brother and I decided that let's just give 100 rupees and get done with it, since it was a hot day and he did come all the way to our home and was generous enough to call me twice. I mean it's my driving license after all you know kinda a big deal and I've been after it for like a month at that point. We reached post office at 4pm. I called him before heading inside. He said he wasn't in there but he's nearby. we waited outside, within minutes we saw a post man, I called him to confirm asking "aap hi hona" Lol, It was him. anyways we walked to him, he asked for my name, I said my name, showed him my pan card, He checked, went through his posts and gave me mine. I signed the paper, handed him 100rupees, said thank you and we left. On our way back I opened the post to see how it was and to check if everything's fine. Offcourse the pic ain't that great but who's is anyways. The hair could have been better though I do kinda regret cutting my hair but fine whatever it is what it is. And as expected had to bribe my brother, he had asked me to treat him with something. so we had some chinese nearby. There I shared the pic of my license to our nuclear family group to show it to my parents. Got a thumbs up from my dad lol :) So yeah that was it, It only took 10 days and I finally got my driving license. Yay <34
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