What are some ways all of us can commonly adopt (& stick to it) to fight back against workplace toxicity of any form?
I’m thinking this is far better than just ranting online and doing nothing about it. Naming & shaming companies doesn’t do zilch to improve the situation - just look the number of companies mentioned on the Indian Reddiverse, you’ll know. If almost every workplace is bad and we’re being abused and keep taking it, why should we keep waiting for a breaking point? I’m a Millennial and just like our previous generation we are supposed to keep hush about these things, but why? I might be generalizing but Gen Z is more vocal about these things and if that’s true we should be really proud that they don’t take shit from anyone. Some suggestions – standing up to workplace bullying (name-calling, teasing, etc.), telling co-workers/bosses to respect out-of-work hours & leaves/holidays, not having too frequent unnecessary meetings…. Please think about it because employment situation is going to get worse, not better and we have to stick to some standards. Why should only employers have the right to standards & expectations and not us? Edit: If a majority of us actually start thinking in this direction (and then eventually start doing), I'd say something good came out of this post, if not, I still hope someone else in the future makes us think again about this.3
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