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**backstory** \- so from the past few days i have been trying to learn web dev (i already knew python and basics about html and stuff). while learning i found this small project about making a \**bookmark website*\* and IT TOOK 2 DAYS T\_T and I swear CSS was plotting against me at some point 😭😭 but IT’S DONEEEEEE!!!. I know I’m still a total noob at web dev, but this just feels SO GOOD. Seeing something I built actually WORKING and being LIVE is the best feeling everrrr. did some research on how to actually make it live and GUESSS WHATTT? IT IS LIVEEEE. I CAN’T STOP STARING AT IT. I’M OBSESSED. PERIOD !!!!! **what's a bookmark website -** A bookmark website is like a personal homepage where you save all your important links in one place. So instead of searching for them every time, you just open your site at one click!!! (for people who don't know) i'm a jee dropper tho i should probably study for april attempt T\_T but fuck it this was worth every time I spent
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