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Steppe origins of Indo-Aryans is gradually being falsified despite Indian academic incompetence
Despite the sheer incompetence of Indian government appointed geneticists like **Niraj Rai**, who have been sitting on samples for 5-6 years without publishing, the story of the Aryans is still moving forward due to samples from elsewhere In particular, a pre-print to a genomics paper on Iran was recently released ([link]( For a very brief summary - it shows an extraordinary degree of genetic continuity from copper and bronze age Iran to times of the famous Shahan-shahs of Achaemenid and Sasanian dynasties. Now the steppe theory for Indo European languages has been well established for most parts of Europe based on genetics and archeology but it never seems to have fit Indo-Aryans, Iranians. Anatolians, and maybe even Armenians and Greeks. So a new theory called hybrid hypothesis was proposed by some scholars ([link]( which highlights the fact that the Steppe migrants in Europe and the builders of Indus Valley and its cousin the "[BMAC](" had a **common ancestral component** which they all shared partially. I don't want to go into copious details here, but just to mention this component- it is called "CHG" or alternatively modelled as "Iran\_N + ANE" This paper lends a lot of credence to that theory since bronze age Iran shared its gene pool with BMAC. Obviously, a lot more studies are needed from Iran, Afghanistan, India and Pakistan to firmly establish this, but these early hints are compelling **What this means for India -** This means that the ancestor of **"Indo Aryan" languages still came from outside** of India but **came before the establishment of Indus Valley Civilization** and were not related to steppe ancestry which came much much later in recorded history with the **Bahlikas, Sakas, Kushans, Hunas etc** Also we know from the few genetic samples that we have from India, that Indus Valley Civilization had mixed ancestry from the earliest days, with this common component ancestor shared with "BMAC" and steppe being mixed with local hunter gatherers of India. This implies that **"Aryans" and "Dravidians" co-existed since the times of IVC** and all modern Indians are a mix of both, as well as Munda rice agriculturalists to varying degrees1
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