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I was fortunate to visited jalianvala bagh of south 'Vidhurashwata' few days back. What is saw there made blood boil
There is memorial hall capturing fredom movements across India. But there is one image which made me furious, this is the only image show with show swastika and bhava flag, but this was plased along with nazi Cross. I don't have tell how this has influenced across world malign our sacred symbol. I'm not surprised people in side India also made full effort to show Hindus as nazi and it's happening for decades. I asked supervisor about this particular image, what made you put such symbol, why hindu symbol depicted as nazi cross, this one have bad influence on youger generation who visit. He responds that I have no control over this, We following instructions from NCERT, there has been effect to change it but NCERT didn't change it. Not only this many such corrections hase to be done and he left. I'm sure such thing being thought outside India to with reference from NCERT. There has been effort by far left and liberals to show hindu are radicals just like nazi across the world. What I can do to change such things?, even changing the above image I conside as small success for me.2
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