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How to lose weight while staying in hostel ?
Sex: Male Age:19 Height: 175cm Weight: 82 kg Hello, I used to go to a gym before I started living in my college hostel. I used to weigh about 80 kgs which is overweight at my height and had reduced it to 72 kgs with a protein heavy diet. Then when I first joined hostel my body weight was still around 72 kgs but I couldn't go to the gym. Instead of joining a gym, I just let myself lose control and ate a lot of junk food and ice creams and stuff. I gained a lot of weight over the 6 months. At this point, others have started commenting how I used to look less fat. Now after about 6 months, I have managed to go the gym near college and set my routine to be able to go there consistently. But today, when I checked my weight I found I was around 82 kgs which is way more than what I started with. Now because I'm living in a hostel, I can't exactly have my mom cook what I want, get same exact portions on the food that's being served by the staff, get good amount of chicken or other sources of protein except for eggs (I have a boiler for eggs). Please tell me how to keep track of my meals. If it's impossible, just tell me some methods to lose weight at hostel. Additionally, while I wasn't able to find anything on this specific topic on reddit, if you have found anything please share it with me. In the six months, I have : Eaten a lot of junk food, prepackaged food, had a bad sleeping schedule, ate a lot of ice cream. In these two weeks : I have significantly reduced junk food, in the process of reducing prepackaged food consumption, successfully set my sleeping schedule for every night except for saturdays, started eating more eggs. TLDR : used to weight less, now weighing more. Living in hostel, so can't choose my own meal items. Tell me how to keep track of my meals and lose weight. Additionally, give links of similar reddit posts if you find any. 19, M, 175cm, 82kg.2
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