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Shree Krishna ji and Shree Balarama ji leaving for Mathura. Jai Shree Krishna Shree Krishna and Shree Balarama accepted Kamsa's invitation and got ready to go to Mathura. Seeing Balarama and Krishna mounting Akrura's chariot the next day, the gopikas and gopalas blocked the pathway, thereby not allowing Akrura to take their Krishna away from them. They were not worried about any harm that might be caused by the evil-minded Kamsa; instead their fear was that Krishna might not return to Brindavan. The gopikas and gopalas were drowned in sorrow. Gopikas said that we do not desire any worldly ends. We want You for our mental satisfaction. People desire various things from You. We pray to You for You. Then Krishna gave them jnana to get rid of ego and attachment and recognize the truth about Atma. "The One who exists in you is 'l' and the One in me is 'I' also. Ekovasi Sarva Bhoota Antar- aatma - The One God exists in all beings. So, do not feel sad. It is every man's duty to fulfill the purpose for which the body is given. We must go to Mathura to fulfill our Mission." Gopikas and Gopalas had to admit that keeping Krishna in Brindavan was an act of selfishness on their part. But despite the jnana they had just heard, gopikas and gopalas could not transcend their ego and attachment. They blocked the path to the chariot. They panicked and cried loudly, "Please don't leave! How can we live? Take us with You!" They pleaded in many ways, even using harsh words on Akrura. Balarama and Krishna did not want to prolong their agony. They moved slowly forward, smiling, blessing and consoling all the time. This incident caused a few hours of delay. (Source: [\~:text=Krishna%20and%20Balarama%20accepted%20the,their%20Krishna%20away%20from%20them](,their%20Krishna%20away%20from%20them).) Jai Shree Krishna 🕉 🙏1
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