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So about the defence colony news surfacing these days....
Disclaimer: I don't know the ABCs of land laws and I'm not there to provide any evidence (mainly coz I have none and I didn't study law or land) coz I don't know anything about whether guilty or not but I do have something interesting to share so stay with me. So some old men who had too much time and greed on their hands, living in defence colony, committed a land fraud by selling acres of land assigned to defence personnel to common civilians and hide all the riches, ALLEGEDLY but even after all that there aren't many people talking about this because no girlypop is zesty enough to call them out because of course of course they are the almight untouchable ✨️ARMY MEN✨️ Your girl's here to call 'em out well not exactly because I have no exact proof against them but I have something to share. I can't share the names because of course of course I can't/won't want to make this post about attacking someone but of the 16 people I know 4 of them quite closely. To be more precise I have been to their place like almost once every 2 years so you get the picture. Now how much do you think some now retired army officers would have saved up through their entire career. As far as my guess goes the sum has to be large enough to maintain a large house or support jobless children who in turn have children the age of 25 and even after all that if some is left surely that would all go up in the medical expenses because elderly need that. Here's the surprise I don't know if these 16 people actually did what they are being accused of but the 4 I know from this list aren't exactly innocent, allegedly. Throughout my time of being at their place I have been blasted with antiques on my face. Like if the police really wants to investigate whether they did this or not they better check their possessions because those 4 have like the weirdest antique collections. They used to 'hunt' deer for their non-veg diet and called chicken a 'commoner's digest'. They have like a wine cellar thingy and a bar inside their home like a legit bar as in the Italian mafia movies and used to drink from morning to night inside their ginormous home bar with those weird seductibe lights on (yk the pink/blue/red light). Now everyone would say "hey why you being jealous they probably saved money to have all that and live that life"....that's the point DIVA they never saved anything for the time I saw them they were never saving up money and blasting all the lights in the house at daytime I say there needs to be a thorough investigation for example going through their assets because throughout Dehradun army officers have this invisible armor that really shields them from anything. Even now, the uninvolved folks of defence colony as well as anyone from Doon seems to ignore the case. I have seen the public opinion and most of them either say "They're old retired officers even if they did that they'll probably have connections and get out in no time on the basis of poor health due to old age" or they'll say "We know Mr. ABCD for so long and he'll never do that". I don't think people are grappling on to the reality here which is that for a few extra pennies the military retired really just sold land meant for defence forces by the government at an unusual rates and props to the rich wannabe's who were like "yeah I wanna pay an absolutely absurd amount to these geezers and let them loot me in an attempt to get a land which shouldn't be mine in this beautiful yet toxic place only because I wanna firt in the upper echelon of Drhradun and want to look classy" and actually bought the land in defence colony without having any connection to military. They decided to be brave and well now they'll probably buy their way out of this case too but we'll see.3
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