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Hit a bike from behind, the guy wanted me to wait there till he calls ppl to beat me up. I left and he filled a complaint of hit and run.
Yesterday evening, during peak traffic hours, I was involved in a minor accident due to my negligence. I was driving at about 25 kmph when I accidentally hit a biker who was standing at a traffic light from behind. The biker fell, but thankfully, he was wearing a helmet and wasn’t seriously hurt. However, his ego seemed to take a bigger hit than his body. I immediately owned up to my mistake and asked him to move to the side of the road so we wouldn’t block traffic. He became agitated and demanded I step out of the car right there. I kept urging him to move to the side, assuring him I wasn’t going to run away. After about a minute, he finally agreed, and we moved to the side. Once we regrouped, I apologized and assessed the situation. It was clear he wasn’t seriously injured, but his bike had a dent. I asked him how we could resolve the issue, saying, “The mistake has been made. How do we solve this?” He responded angrily, saying, “The bike is damaged now. Who will fix it?” Meanwhile, he started calling people to the scene. I offered him three options: 1. He could claim insurance, and I would cover the No Claim Bonus (NCB) cost and filing charges. 2. I could pay for the damages directly. 3. He could take my third-party insurance details. He rejected all of these options and kept saying, “Wait, people are coming.” He started verbally abusing me and my wife, and it became clear he wasn’t interested in resolving the issue but was instead looking for some kind of revenge. I suggested we call the police if he didn’t want to settle things amicably. I tried calling, but the call didn’t connect. Feeling threatened and seeing no other option, I decided to leave and go to the nearest police station. As I was leaving, the biker punched me in the jaw. It wasn’t a hard punch, but it was enough to qualify as an assault. He started following me, shouting and threatening to stop. I told him to follow me to the police station, as I was nearby. He kept saying, “The police will come here,” and continued to blabber. At one point, he tried to cut in front of my car and almost came under it, but I was driving at low speeds. He then blocked my car again and started threatening me. A good Samaritan, Sadar Ji, saw what was happening and stepped in to calm him down. He convinced the biker to let me go and clear the road. After that, the biker stopped following me, and I drove away as I had a medical emergency at home. About an hour later, I received a call from the police station saying the biker had filed a hit-and-run complaint against me. I confirmed I would come to the station and immediately called my lawyer. My lawyer spoke to the Sub-Inspector (SI) and explained that I had stopped and tried to resolve the issue, but the biker started threatening me, so I left. I have a 15-minute, 4K dashcam recording with audio (except for the punch, which happened on the driver’s side). I plan to go to the police station today to share my side of the story and provide the evidence. Please suggest me how I should deal with it from here on? Did I do anything wrong apart from my negligent driving? Should I have not left?5
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