Community Information
Industrialization - The Good and The Bad
As we can see Assam is going to undergo rapid industrialization. This has a good aspect, such as generation of employment, but an aspect we have to be critical also. Semiconductor, Nuclear Energy plants etc has the potential to boost an environment of science and technology and is an opportunity for our institutions to upskill themselves. Roads and Tunnels will improve connectivity and is welcome. We lag behind so much compared to developed states in this regard. But most of the other projects are basically surrendering Assam blindly to the hands of capitalists and won't actually help us. Also one can see there is virtually no investment in upskilling our people. For example XYZ company said it will do solar projects and all but no one is investing in our universities so that we can learn to build solar projects ourselves. Five star hotels, aerocity eibur dekhat bhal laage but actually jono gono r eku laabh nhoi. Asol benefit tetya hol heten when human resources uport invest hol heten not only to upskill people but also to empower us to create technologies. But in most of the projects, the current government is just blindly surrendering our land and our resources in hands of the capitalists.3
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